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Section 2.17 Exercises

Checkpoint 2.17.1.

Evaluate the following numerical expressions in your head, then use the active code window to check your results:
  1. 5 ** 2
  2. 9 * 5
  3. 15 / 12
  4. 12 / 15
  5. 15 // 12
  6. 12 // 15
  7. 5 % 2
  8. 9 % 5
  9. 15 % 12
  10. 12 % 15
  11. 6 % 6
  12. 0 % 7

Checkpoint 2.17.2.

What is the order of the arithmetic operations in the following expression? Evaluate the expression by hand and then check your work by putting your hand calculated result in the first print statement and then uncommenting the second print statement.

Checkpoint 2.17.3.

Challenge: Many people keep time using a 24 hour clock (11 is 11am and 23 is 11pm, 0 is midnight). If it is currently 13 and you set your alarm to go off in 50 hours, it will be 15 (3pm). Write a Python program to solve the general version of the above problem. Ask the user for the time now (in hours), and then ask for the number of hours to wait for the alarm. Your program should output what the time will be on the clock when the alarm goes off.

Checkpoint 2.17.4.

It is possible to name the days 0 thru 6 where day 0 is Sunday and day 6 is Saturday. If you go on a wonderful holiday leaving on day number 3 (a Wednesday) and you return home after 10 nights you would return home on a Saturday (day 6). Write a general version of the program which asks for the starting day number, and the length of your stay, and it will tell you the number of day of the week you will return on.

Checkpoint 2.17.5.

Add parentheses to the expression 6 * 1 - 2 to change its value from 4 to -6.

Checkpoint 2.17.6.

Challenge: The formula for computing the final amount if one is earning compound interest is given on Wikipedia as
Write a Python program that assigns the principal amount of 10000 to variable P, assign to n the value 12, and assign to r the interest rate of 8% (0.08). Then have the program prompt the user for the number of years, t, that the money will be compounded for. Calculate and print the final amount after t years.

Checkpoint 2.17.7.

Write a program that will compute the area of a circle. Prompt the user to enter the radius and save it to a variable called radius. Print a nice message back to the user with the answer.

Checkpoint 2.17.8.

Challenge: Write a program that will compute the area of a rectangle. Prompt the user to enter the width and height of the rectangle and store the values in variables called width and height. Print a nice message with the answer..

Checkpoint 2.17.9.

Write a program that will compute MPG for a car. Prompt the user to enter the number of miles driven and store it in a variable called miles and the number of gallons used stored in a variable gallons. Print a nice message with the answer.

Checkpoint 2.17.10.

Challenge: Write a program that will convert degrees celsius to degrees fahrenheit.

Checkpoint 2.17.11.

Ask the user for the temperature in Fahrenheit and store it in a variable call deg_f. Calculate the equivalent temperature in degrees Celsius and store it in deg_c. Output a message to the user giving the temperature in Celsius.

Checkpoint 2.17.12.

Piece together the code so that a user is asked for two numbers, and then the sum of those two numbers is printed out.

Checkpoint 2.17.13.

Write a program that will convert gallons to liters. This program will also need to get input from a user to see how many gallons should be converted and the result should be printed to the user.

Checkpoint 2.17.14.

Write a program that will convert tablespoons to teaspoons. This program will also need to get input from a user to see how many tablespoons should be converted and the result should be printed to the user.
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