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Section 1.14 Chapter Assessment

Check your understanding

Checkpoint 1.14.1.

    Why create an algorithm?
  • Because computers are better at solving problems.
  • Computers aren’t necessarily better at solving problems, though often they can be quicker than humans. Additionally, algorithms can be used to solve non-computer related problems.
  • So that you don’t have to solve the problem yourself.
  • While it is beneficial to have a set of instructions that others can follow, this isn’t the best answer. By creating the algorithm, you solve a problem for yourself and others.
  • So that you have a general solution to a problem.
  • Yes, by creating a general solution you can then express it as a program if you choose, and then use a computer to automate the execution.
  • Because you need a set of instructions to follow.
  • While it is beneficial to have a set of instructions as that is what an algorithm **is**, it is not **why** we would want to create one.

Checkpoint 1.14.2.

Write code to print out the phrase β€œHello World”.

Checkpoint 1.14.3.

    What will be output to the console when the following program is run?
    # print("Catch you later!")
    print("Hope you are well.")
  • nothing, there is an error
  • There is no error in this program.
  • Catch you later!
  • Catch you later! is a comment, as indicated by the # sign, so it won’t be printed
  • Good-bye! Hope you are well. Hello!
  • Yes, the lines are printed in the order the Python interpreter gets to them, top to bottom.
  • Hello! Hope you are well. Good-bye!
  • While it might make sense to say hello before good-bye, the Python interpreter just follows instructions in order as given
  • Hello! Hope you are well. Good-bye! Catch you later!
  • No, that is not the order in which Python sees the instructions.
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