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Java, Java, Java: Object-Oriented Problem Solving, 2024E

Section 9.6 Array Algorithms: Searching

Suppose we have a large array and we need to find one of its elements. We need an algorithm to search the array for a particular value, usually called the key. If the elements of the array are not arranged in any particular order, the only way we can be sure to find the key, assuming it is in the array, is to search every element, beginning at the first element, until we find it.

Subsection 9.6.1 Sequential Search

This approach is known as a sequential search, because each element of the array will be examined in sequence until the key is found (or the end of the array is reached). A pseudocode description of this algorithm is as follows:
This algorithm can easily be implemented in a method that searches an integer array, which is passed as the method’s parameter. If the key is found in the array, its location is returned. If it is not found, then \(-1\) is returned to indicate failure.
The Search class (Figure 9.6.2 and Listing 9.6.3) provides the Java implementation of the sequentialSearch() method. The method takes two parameters: the array to be searched and the key to be searched for. It uses a for statement to examine each element of the array, checking whether it equals the key or not. If an element that equals the key is found, the method immediately returns that element’s index. Note that the last statement in the method will only be reached if no element matching the key is found.
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