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GitKit (Linux Desktop Edition): Learn git and GitHub in Context

Section 2.9 Extra Practice

There are literally millions of FOSS projects with repositories on GitHub that you can fork and clone and contribute to. The exercises in this section will provide you with a little extra practice forking and cloning repositories.
Choose one of the projects in Table 2.9.1 or search GitHub
for one that sounds interesting to you and then complete the exercises below.
Table 2.9.1. Some FOSS Projects that can be used for extra practice with forking and cloning repositories.
Project Community Mission
Aims to "Improve healthcare delivery in resource-constrained environments by coordinating a global community that creates and sustains a robust, scalable, user-driven and open-source medical record platform."
Aims to provide "a reliable, robust, and affordable core banking solution for financial institutions offering services to the world’s 3 billion underbanked and unbanked."
Sahana Eden
Aims to provide an "Open Source Humanitarian Platform which can be used to provide solutions for Disaster Management, Development, and Environmental Management sectors."
Aims to provide "A free, online learning platform to make quality education accessible for all."



Fork the repository for the project into your GitHub space. Give the full URL of your fork.


Clone your origin (i.e. your fork) for the project you selected into your development environment.
Copy and paste the Git commands that you used and their output here.


Use the Git command that displays the remotes that your local repository knows about.
Copy and paste the Git commands that you used and their output here.
You have attempted of activities on this page.