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PreTeXt Sample Book: Abstract Algebra (SAMPLE ONLY)

Section 5.2 ActiveCode

Programs in supported languages are made interactive in HTML when @interactive is set to activecode. Some languages can be made interactive on any server, while others require being served from Runestone servers. See Interactive Programs Capabilities in the PreTeXt Guide
for a list of what languages are supported in which environs.
View Source for program
<program xml:id="python-hello-world" interactive="activecode" language="python" label="hello-world">
    print("Hello, World!")
Listing 5.2.1. An interactive Python program, using Runestone
View Source for program
<program xml:id="javascript-hello-world" interactive="activecode" language="javascript">
    document.write('Hello, world!');
Listing 5.2.2. An interactive JavaScript program, using Runestone
Some languages, like Java or C++, are only interactive when run on a Runestone server where the code can be compiled and run. Those languages can specify @compiler-args and @linker-args or @interpreter-args as appropriate to the language. Default values for those options can be set in <docinfo/programs> - any defaults set there will be used for any program that lacks the corresponding attribute.
It may be convenient to set @compiler-args and @linker-args at the book level in <docinfo/programs>. Values specified in that location will be used for any <program> that does not override the values by specifying its own attributes.
View Source for program
<program interactive="activecode" label="hello-world-cpp" language="cpp" compiler-args="-std=c++17,-Wall,-g" linker-args="-g,-s">
        #include &lt;iostream&gt;
        #include &lt;string&gt;
        using namespace std;
        int main() {
            string name;
            cin &gt;&gt; name;
            cout &lt;&lt; "Hello, " &lt;&lt; name &lt;&lt; endl;
            return 0;
Listing 5.2.3. A C++ program with compiler-args and stdin
View Source for program
<program xml:id="java-hello-world-flags" interactive="activecode" language="java" interpreter-args="-Xrs,-Xss8m,-Xmx128m">
    import javax.swing.JFrame;  //Importing class JFrame
    import javax.swing.JLabel;  //Importing class JLabel
    public class HelloWorld {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            JFrame frame = new JFrame();           //Creating frame
            frame.setTitle("Hi!");                 //Setting title frame
            frame.add(new JLabel("Hello, world!"));//Adding text to frame
            frame.pack();                          //Setting size to smallest
            frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null);     //Centering frame
            frame.setVisible(true);                //Showing frame
Listing 5.2.4. Java “Hello, World”, with flags
An Octave program will also only be interactive if hosted on a Runestone server. Octave is meant to be a drop-in replacement for Matlab.
View Source for program
<program xml:id="octave-simple" interactive="activecode" language="octave">
    x = 2 + 2
    printf("%d\n", x)
Listing 5.2.5. A simple Octave program
A language not supported by Runestone Services will always be rendered static.
View Source for program
<program xml:id="pascal-mistake" interactive="activecode" language="pascal">
    program HelloWorld;
      WriteLn('Hello, world!');
program HelloWorld;
  WriteLn('Hello, world!');
Listing 5.2.6. A Pascal program that cannot be interactive on Runestone
A program can have a <preamble> and/or <postamble> which are added to the code that the user writes before it is run. They are visible by default, but can be made invisible with @visible set to "no". When visible, the code editor will prevent those regions from being modified. The indentation for lines in the preamble/code/postamble elements will be calculated relative to each other - make sure to indent them all to a similar extent. (In the source for the sample below, the # TODO... is intentially indented one stop extra so that the user’s code is part of the add function.
<tests> are similar to <postamble> in that it represents code that is added to the users submission. However, <tests> is intended specifically for unit testing code (see examples below for unit testing in Python, Java, C++, SQL). Tests are invisble by default and can be made visible with @visible set to "yes". For historical reasons, the indentation of the <tests> is treated separately from the rest of the program.
View Source for program
<program interactive="activecode" language="python" label="program-activecode-python-ambles">
    def add(a, b):
        # TODO - complete the add function

    # Use the function
    result = add(2, 3)
    if result == 5:
        print("Test passed")
        print("Test failed")
Listing 5.2.7. A Python program with preamble/postamble
Here is the same Python program from the previous section, but now with a <preamble> and <postamble> that are invisible. The user will not see the code that is added to their submission. Not actually useful in this case, but it might be if you wanted to hide boilerplate setup from the reader.
View Source for program
<program interactive="activecode" language="python" label="program-activecode-python-ambles-invisible">
    <preamble visible="no">
    def add(a, b):
        # TODO - complete the add function
    <postamble visible="no">

    # Use the function
    result = add(2, 3)
    if result == 5:
        print("Test passed")
        print("Test failed")
Listing 5.2.8. A Python program with invisible pre/post ambles
The following Python program is in a <listing> since we will want to reference it shortly. The program does not do very much, it just defines four variables whose values are lists of statistics. It should run, and there will be no syntax errors, but it is a bit boring since there is no output. Note that it does not have an @language and is relying on the default one specified in <docinfo/programs>
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<program xml:id="python-statistics" interactive="activecode" label="statistics">
    loan_amount = [1250.0, 500.0, 1450.0, 200.0, 700.0, 100.0, 250.0, 225.0, 1200.0, 150.0, 600.0, 300.0, 700.0, 125.0, 650.0, 175.0, 1800.0, 1525.0, 575.0, 700.0, 1450.0, 400.0, 200.0, 1000.0, 350.0]

    country_name = ['Azerbaijan', 'El Salvador', 'Bolivia', 'Paraguay', 'El Salvador', 'Philippines', 'Philippines', 'Nicaragua', 'Guatemala', 'Philippines', 'Paraguay', 'Philippines', 'Bolivia', 'Philippines', 'Philippines', 'Madagascar', 'Georgia', 'Uganda', 'Kenya', 'Tajikistan', 'Jordan', 'Kenya', 'Philippines', 'Ecuador', 'Kenya']

    time_to_raise = [193075.0, 1157108.0, 1552939.0, 244945.0, 238797.0, 1248909.0, 773599.0, 116181.0, 2288095.0, 51668.0, 26717.0, 48030.0, 1839190.0, 71117.0, 580401.0, 800427.0, 1156218.0, 1166045.0, 2924705.0, 470622.0, 24078.0, 260044.0, 445938.0, 201408.0, 2370450.0]

    num_lenders_total = [38, 18, 51, 3, 21, 1, 10, 8, 42, 1, 18, 6, 28, 5, 16, 7, 54, 1, 18, 22, 36, 12, 8, 24, 8]
Listing 5.2.9. A Python program that defines some statistics
Now a programming exercise. The program upcoming is going to include all the code of the program preceding. This is accomplished with an @include attribute on the including program whose value is the @xml:id of the included program. So by running the next program, it should pass all of its three tests (for example another example using unit tests, see Checkpoint 5.4.4). Now reload the page, do not run the program in the listing, and then see that the program in the exercise still runs correctly.
You’ll see nothing that tells the reader that the one chunk of code is prefacing the other. And in static formats it might be even less obvious. So you will want to say something to alert the reader. Here it is easy: Checkpoint 5.2.10 includes all the code from Listing 5.2.9.
This program also makes use of @autorun to execute on page load and the @codelensto disable the codelens feature.

Checkpoint 5.2.10. A Python program, including another.

View Source for exercise
<exercise xml:id="exercise-python-including">
    <title>A Python program, including another</title>
        <p>Compute the total amount of money loaned and store it in the variable <c>loan_total</c>.</p>
    <program autorun="yes" codelens="no" xml:id="python-summation" interactive="activecode" language="python" label="python-sum-total" include="python-statistics">
        loan_total = 0
        for loan in loan_amount:
            loan_total += loan
        from unittest.gui import TestCaseGui

        class MyTests(TestCaseGui):

            def testOne(self):
                self.assertTrue('loan_total' in self.getEditorText(), "you need a loan_total variable")
                self.assertEqual(loan_total, sum(loan_amount), "Use the accumulator pattern to add up all the loans")
                self.assertFalse('sum(' in self.getEditorText(), "you may not use sum()")

Compute the total amount of money loaned and store it in the variable loan_total.
Exact same exercise again, but now we include two programs. We first get the simple “Hello, world!” program at Listing 5.2.1 and then the same program defining the variables with lists of statistics at Listing 5.2.9. So the output just includes the extra result from the print() statement.
This program also makes use of @hidecode to initially keep the code hidden and @download to enable a file download of the program (that includes all the included code).

Checkpoint 5.2.11. A Python program, including two others.

View Source for exercise
<exercise xml:id="exercise-python-including-two">
    <title>A Python program, including two others</title>
        <p>Compute the total amount of money loaned and store it in the variable <c>loan_total</c>.</p>
    <program xml:id="python-summation-two" interactive="activecode" language="python" label="python-sum-total-two" include="python-hello-world python-statistics " hidecode="yes" download="yes">
        loan_total = 0
        for loan in loan_amount:
            loan_total += loan
        from unittest.gui import TestCaseGui

        class MyTests(TestCaseGui):

            def testOne(self):
                self.assertTrue('loan_total' in self.getEditorText(), "you need a loan_total variable")
                self.assertEqual(loan_total, sum(loan_amount), "Use the accumulator pattern to add up all the loans")
                self.assertFalse('sum(' in self.getEditorText(), "you may not use sum")

Compute the total amount of money loaned and store it in the variable loan_total.
Here is an activecode with @language set to sql uses the @database to load a SQLite database file.

Checkpoint 5.2.12. An SQL program that uses an SQLite database file.

View Source for exercise
<exercise xml:id="exercise-sql-using-db">
    <title>An SQL program that uses an SQLite database file</title>
        <p>Select all the columns of all the rows in the <c>test</c> database table.</p>
    <program xml:id="sql-using-db" interactive="activecode" language="sql" label="sql-using-db" database="sql/test.db">
            SELECT * FROM test
            assert 1,1 == world
            assert 0,1 == hello
            assert 2,1 == 35
Select all the columns of all the rows in the test database table.
A nonsense paragraph just to check on spacing. A nonsense paragraph just to check on spacing. A nonsense paragraph just to check on spacing. A nonsense paragraph just to check on spacing.
You have attempted of activities on this page.