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14.9. Code writing activity part 1
On this page, you will complete an activity to write code that:
Scrapes all the comments on the Rate My Professor page for Prof. Ericson and Prof. Oney and prints them
Here is the link to Prof. Ericson's Rate My Professor page.
Here is the link to Prof. Oney's Rate My Professor page.
You can see that both the pages have the same layout.
The comments all have the same tag name, which is 'div'
tag with class='Comments__StyledComments-dzzyvm-0 dvnRbr'
. Here’s what it looks like when you inspect Prof. Ericson’s page:
Choose which of the following plans you will use, and put them in the correct order.
Plan #3: Get a soup from multiple webpages
Plan #2: Get a soup from a webpage#paired
Plan #5: Get info from all tags of a certain type
Plan #4: Get info from a single tag#paired
Plan #6: Get info from all tags of a certain type, within another tag#paired
Plan #9: Print info
Plan #10: Store info in a json file#paired
In solving the preceding problem I invested:
- 1. Very, very low mental effort
- 2. Very low mental effort
- 3. Low mental effort
- 4. Rather low mental effort
- 5. Neither low nor high mental effort
- 6. Rather high mental effort
- 7. High mental effort
- 8. Very high mental effort
- 9. Very, very high mental effort
You have attempted
activities on this page