It will take a while for this process and all of the commands to become a natural part of the way you work. Until that happens it is often useful to have a short concise cheat sheet of the command for accomplishing each task.
Match the tasks on the right with the appropriate git command listed on the left.
git log
Display recent commits made to the active branch.
git branch <branch>
Create a new feature branch.
git switch <branch>
Change the active branch
git status
Check the current state of your local repo.
git status <file name>
Display the changes that you made to a file.
git stage <file name>
Stage changed files to be committed to the repo.
git add <file name>
Another way to stage changed files for a commit.
git commit -m "message"
Commit staged files with a message.
git push <remote repo name> <branch>
Push a feature branch to your origin.
Note that the tasks listed are in approximately the same order as they appear in the sections of this chapter.