15.8. Glossary¶
- API¶
Application Program Interface - A contract between applications that defines the patterns of interaction between two application components.
- ElementTree¶
A Python library used to parse XML data.
JavaScript Object Notation. A format that allows for the markup of structured data based on the syntax of JavaScript Objects.
- SOA¶
Service-Oriented Architecture. When an application is made of components connected across a network.
- XML¶
eXtensible Markup Language. A format that allows for the markup of structured data.
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- A contract between applications that defines the patterns of interaction between two application components.
- ElementTree
- A built-in Python library used to parse XML data.
- A format that allows for the markup of structured data based on the syntax of JavaScript Objects.
- When an application is made of components connected across a network.
- A format that allows for the markup of structured data and is extensible.
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