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The PreTeXt Guide

Section K.1 Software prerequisites

We begin with the programs you will want to have installed prior to using the PreTeXt-CLI. All software can be downloaded free of charge, and is relatively easy to install.

Subsection K.1.1 VSCode

VSCode is short for Visual Studio Code. This is a text editor developed by Microsoft; we recommend it not because it plays well with Windows (although it does), but because of the availability of the pretext-tools add-on, which will let you run the PreTeXt-CLI without leaving the editor.
To install, the editor, first download the installer from the VSCode website 1 .
Screenshot of the VSCode website, showing where to click to download the installer
When running the installer, be sure that the “Add to PATH” option is selected:
Screenshot of the VSCode installer program, showing where to click to ensure the program is added to the Windows system environment variables
You should now have VSCode installed on your system.

Subsection K.1.2 Python

One difficulty with using PreTeXt on Windows is the fact that Python is not core software, and there are many different ways to install install. The recommended method for installing Python is to get it directly from Other Python installations, such as Anaconda, or even Miniconda, include a lot of extras that we don’t need.
To install Python, simply download the installer from the Python website 2 .
Screenshot of the webpage, showing where to access the installer download
When you run the installer, be sure to check off the box to add Python to the Windows PATH during installation. This will ensure that Python commands can be run from the command line without needing to provide the path to the Python program.
Screenshot of the Python installer program, showing the box that needs to be checked to ensure it is added to the system environment variables

Subsection K.1.3 Git for Windows

The next piece of software we need to install is Git for Windows. This will provide tools for allowing us to interact with textbook source on GitHub. More importantly, it provides us with the Git Bash terminal, which is what we will be running all of the commands for PreTeXt.
You can get Git for Windows at
The installation process for Git for Windows can seem quite complicated, as there are a lot of options, and many of them are quite technical. You can safely choose the defaults throughout, unless there is a particular setting you’re familiar with that you wish to change. The only thing you might want to do is change the default editor. Since we have already installed VSCode, we can choose to use that instead of an editor like Emacs or Nano that you may be unfamiliar with.
Screenshot of the Git for Windows installation program, showing how to select VSCode as the default text editor

Subsection K.1.4 Other software

A number of additional programs may be needed to assist in processing your book, depending on what elements your book contains.
You will almost certainly need to be able to process , either to produce the PDF version of your book, or to process images for the HTML version of your book.
There are two ways to install on Windows: MikTeX 3 , or TeXLive 4 . Although TeXLive is the default distribution for Linux and MacOS platforms, most Windows users find MikTeX easier to use, since it comes with package management software to assist with automatically installing needed packages. One thing to keep in mind: with MikTeX, you must run an initial update from the MikTeX pacakage manager before it will work correctly.
If your book contains images such as TikZ, the PreTeXt-CLI will process those images using whatever version of you installed, and then it needs pdf2svg to convert the output to SVG format for use in HTML.
There is no Windows “installer” for thos program. Instead, it is available as a GitHub repository. The easiest way to get it onto your computer is to use the newly-installed Git Bash terminal. The first time you open Git Bash, your working directory might be the root c: drive. Type pwd to find out what folder you’re in. It doesn’t matter where you install pdf2svg, as long as you’re aware of where it is. If you want to change to a different folder, you can do so using the cd command.
An important note of caution: avoid using directories such as Program Files that have spaces in the name. This can cause problems with some of the scripts used by the PreTeXt-CLI. For this example, we will choose to place the program in our own user directory. In Git Bash, type cd Users/Sean (where you will replace “Sean” with your own user name, as long as it doesn’t contain spaces).
Next, go to the pdf2svg repository on GitHub 5 . Click on the “Code” button, and then click on the clipboard icon to copy the URL, as shown below:
Screenshot of the GitHub page for the pdf2svg project, showing where to click to copy the project URL to the clipboard
Next, in Git Bash, type git clone and then right-click to paste the URL you copied, or use the keyboard shortcut Shift-Insert. Hit Enter.
You will now have the necessary software downloaded to your computer. In my example, it is now available in C:\Users\Sean\pdf2svg-windows. To complete the installation, we need to add the program to the Windows environment variables. Hit the Windows key, and type “path”. Open the suggested program.
As shown below, click on the “Environment Variables...” button, then click on the line beginning with “Path”, and click on the “Edit” button. You can then click on “Browse”, and find the pdf2svg-windows folder you just downloaded.
You should now have a working installation of pdf2svg. To confirm, type which pdf2svg in Git Bash. It should display the path to the pdf2svgprogram. (You may have to restart Git Bash first.)
Screenshot of the Windows system property control panel, showing how to access the Environment Variables
Screenshot of the Environment Variables control panel, showing how to access and edit the Path
Screenshot of the interface for editing the Windows Path to add a new program
If your book includes Sage components, such as sageplot (but not Sage Cells), you will need to install Sage to process them. Sage is available at Click on the download button, and follow the instructions in the installer.
GitHub Deskop
If you find it difficult to manage git from the command line, GitHub provides a graphical user interface for the Windows environment, called GitHub Desktop 6 . This provides a point-and-click interface for synchronizing your local changes with GitHub.
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