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Section 3.3 Exploring Two-Variable Data and Rate of Change

This section is about making observations about data and the patterns that you might see. In some cases, we are able to turn those observations into useful mathematical calculations.
Figure 3.3.1. Alternative Video Lesson

Subsection 3.3.1 Modeling data with two variables

Math helps us understand data from the world around us. We can use what we discover to understand the world better and make better decisions. Here’s an example with economic data from the US, plotted in a Cartesian plane.
For the years from 2000 to 2021, consider what percent of American wealth was held by the wealthiest 1% of Americans. The table in Figure 2 gives the numbers (source:, but any pattern there might not be apparent when looking at the data organized this way. Plotting the data in a Cartesian coordinates system can make an overall pattern or trend become visible.
year % year %
2000 28.5 2011 29.4
2001 27 2012 29.5
2002 26 2013 30.2
2003 25 2014 30.5
2004 27.3 2015 31.1
2005 27.7 2016 31.2
2006 28.7 2017 31
2007 29 2018 31
2008 29.1 2019 30.9
2009 27 2020 30.2
2010 28.4 2021 32.1
a scatter plot about share of all wealth held by the top 1% in the US
Figure 3.3.2. Share of all income held by the top 1% of wage earners
What observations do you see now that you couldn’t easily see from the numbers in the table? Do you see evidence of the COVID pandemic? Evidence of the Great Recession of 2008?
Overall, do you see a larger pattern with wealth distribution? Assuming that you see the rising pattern, is it easier to see that with the graph than with the table?

Subsection 3.3.2 Patterns in Tables

Example 3.3.3.

Find a pattern in each table, using only the table itself. What is the missing entry in each table? Can you describe each pattern in words and/or mathematics?
black white
big small
short tall
USA Washington
UK London
France Paris
1 2
2 4
3 6
Figure 3.3.4. Patterns in 3 tables
First table
Each word on the right has the opposite meaning of the word to its left.
Second table
Each city on the right is the capital of the country to its left.
Third table
Each number on the right is double the number to its left.
black white
big small
short tall
few many
USA Washington
UK London
France Paris
Mexico Mexico City
1 2
2 4
3 6
5 10
Figure 3.3.5. Patterns in 3 tables
Generally in a table with two columns of data, we can think of the table as assigning value on the right to each value on the left. The first table assigns “white” to “black”, as its opposite. The second table assigns “Paris” to “France”, as its capital city. The third table assigns \(10\) to \(5\text{,}\) as its double.
The third table in Example 3 is numerical. And its “function” is to take a number as input, and give twice that number as output. Mathematically, we can describe the pattern as “\(y=2x\)”, where \(x\) represents the input and \(y\) represents the output. Labeling the table mathematically, we have Figure 6.
The equation \(y=2x\) summarizes the pattern in the table.
\(1\) \(2\)
\(2\) \(4\)
\(3\) \(6\)
\(5\) \(10\)
\(10\) \(20\)
Pattern: \(y=2x\)
Figure 3.3.6. Table with a mathematical pattern
Only the third table in Example 3 is a table of numbers. Let’s examine that data graphically.
Figure 3.3.7. The data from the third table in Example 3
With the data plotted, and the question being what should happen when \(x\) is \(5\text{,}\) our eyes can converge to the point \((5,10)\) and we conclude the missing value will be \(10\text{.}\) Graphically, we didn’t have to use the observation that the \(y\)-values were twice the \(x\)-values.
For each of the following tables, find an equation that describes the pattern you see. Numerical pattern recognition may or may not come naturally for you and you may want to use a graph to help visually process the numbers. Either way, pattern recognition is an important mathematical skill that anyone can develop. The solutions for these exercises offer some hints about what patterns you might look for.

Checkpoint 3.3.8.

Write an equation in the form \(y=\ldots\) suggested by the pattern in the table.
\(0\) \({10}\)
\(1\) \({11}\)
\(2\) \({12}\)
\(3\) \({13}\)
One approach to pattern recognition is to look for a relationship in each row. Here, the \(y\)-value in each row is always \(10\) more than the \(x\)-value. So the pattern is described by the equation \({y = x+10}\text{.}\)

Checkpoint 3.3.9.

Write an equation in the form \(y=\ldots\) suggested by the pattern in the table.
\(0\) \({-1}\)
\(1\) \({2}\)
\(2\) \({5}\)
\(3\) \({8}\)
The relationship between \(x\) and \(y\) in each row is not as clear here. Another popular approach for finding patterns: in each column, consider how the values change from one row to the next. From row to row, the \(x\)-value increases by \(1\text{.}\) Also, the \(y\)-value increases by \(3\) from row to row.
\(0\) \({-1}\)
(add \(1\) from previous) \(1\) \({2}\) (add \(3\) from previous)
(add \(1\) from previous) \(2\) \({5}\) (add \(3\) from previous)
(add \(1\) from previous) \(3\) \({8}\) (add \(3\) from previous)
Since row-to-row change is always \(1\) for \(x\) and is always \(3\) for \(y\text{,}\) the rate of change from one row to another row is always the same: \(3\) units of \(y\) for every \(1\) unit of \(x\text{.}\) This suggests that \(y=3x\) might be a good equation for the table pattern. But if we try to make a table with that pattern:
\(3x\) Actual value of \(y\)
\(0\) \(0\) \({-1}\)
\(1\) \(3\) \({2}\)
\(2\) \(6\) \({5}\)
\(3\) \(9\) \({8}\)
We find that the values from \(y=3x\) are too large by \(1\text{.}\) So now we make an adjustment. The equation \({y = 3x-1}\) describes the pattern in the table.

Checkpoint 3.3.10.

Write an equation in the form \(y=\ldots\) suggested by the pattern in the table.
\(0\) \({0}\)
\(1\) \({1}\)
\(2\) \({4}\)
\(3\) \({9}\)
Looking for a relationship in each row here, we see that each \(y\)-value is the square of the corresponding \(x\)-value. That may not be obvious to you. It comes down to recognizing what square numbers are. So the equation is \({y = x^{2}}\text{.}\)
What if we had tried the approach we used in the previous exercise, comparing change from row to row in each column?
\(0\) \({0}\)
(add \(1\) from previous) \(1\) \({1}\) (add \(1\) from previous)
(add \(1\) from previous) \(2\) \({4}\) (add \(3\) from previous)
(add \(1\) from previous) \(3\) \({9}\) (add \(5\) from previous)
Here, the rate of change is not constant from one row to the next. While the \(x\)-values are increasing by \(1\) from row to row, the \(y\)-values increase more and more from row to row. Do you notice that there is a pattern there as well? Mathematicians are interested in finding patterns and describing them.

Subsection 3.3.3 Rate of Change

For an hourly wage-earner, the amount of money they earn depends on how many hours they work. If a worker earns \(\$15\) per hour, then \(10\) hours of work corresponds to \(\$150\) of pay. Working one additional hour will change \(10\) hours to \(11\) hours; and this will cause the \(\$150\) in pay to rise by fifteen dollars to \(\$165\) in pay. Any time we compare how one amount changes (dollars earned) as a consequence of another amount changing (hours worked), we are talking about a rate of change.
Given a table of two-variable data, between any two rows we can compute a rate of change.

Example 3.3.11.

The following data, given in both table and graphed form, gives the counts of invasive cancer diagnoses in Oregon over a period of time. (
Year Invasive Cancer
Year Invasive Cancer
Year Invasive Cancer
2000 17,458 2007 19,430 2014 21,686
2001 17,862 2008 20,459 2015 22,154
2002 17,879 2009 20,007 2016 22,128
2003 17,590 2010 19,887 2017 23,011
2004 18,497 2011 20,867 2018 22,640
2005 18,732 2012 20,448 2019 23,755
2006 19,161 2013 21,354 2020 20,151
Note the severe drop in 2020 is probably explained by under-diagnosing, when people were in quarantine at home and it was difficult to see a doctor for things like a cancer screening.
What was the rate of change in Oregon invasive cancer diagnoses between 2000 and 2010? The total (net) change in diagnoses over that timespan is
\begin{equation*} 19887 - 17458 = 2429 \end{equation*}
meaning that there were \(2429\) more invasive cancer incidents in 2010 than in 2000. Since \(10\) years passed (which you can calculate as \(2010-2000\)), the rate of change is \(2429\) diagnoses per \(10\) years, or
\begin{equation*} \frac{2429\,\text{diagnoses}}{10\,\text{year}}=242.9\,\frac{\text{diagnoses}}{\text{year}} \end{equation*}
We read that last quantity as “\(242.9\) diagnoses per year”. This rate of change means that between the years \(2000\) and \(2010\text{,}\) there were \(242.9\) more diagnoses each year, on average. This is just an average over those ten years—it does not mean that the diagnoses grew by exactly this much each year.

Checkpoint 3.3.12.

Use the data in Example 11 to find the rate of change in Oregon invasive cancer diagnoses between 2000 and 2003.
To find the rate of change between 2000 and 2003, calculate
\begin{equation*} \frac{17590 - 17458}{2003 - 2000} = 44 \text{.} \end{equation*}
So the rate of change was \({44\ {\textstyle\frac{\rm\mathstrut diagnoses}{\rm\mathstrut yr}}}\text{.}\)
And what was the rate of change between 2015 and 2020?
To find the rate of change between 2005 and 2020, calculate
\begin{equation*} \frac{20151 - 22154}{2020 - 2015} = -400.6 \text{.} \end{equation*}
So the rate of change was \({-400.6\ {\textstyle\frac{\rm\mathstrut diagnoses}{\rm\mathstrut yr}}}\text{.}\)
We are ready to give a formal definition for “rate of change”. Considering our work from Example 11 and Checkpoint 12, we settle on:

Definition 3.3.13. Rate of Change.

If \(\left(x_1,y_1\right)\) and \(\left(x_2,y_2\right)\) are two data points from a set of two-variable data, then the rate of change between them is
\begin{equation*} \frac{\text{change in $y$}}{\text{change in $x$}}=\frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x}=\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}\text{.} \end{equation*}
The Greek letter delta, \(\Delta\text{,}\) is used to represent “change in” since it is the first letter of the Greek word for “difference”.
In Example 11 and Checkpoint 12 we found three rates of change. Figure 14 highlights the three pairs of points that were used to make these calculations.
Figure 3.3.14.
Note how the larger the numerical rate of change between two points, the steeper the line is that connects them. Also when the \(y\)-values went down as you read the graph left-to-right, the rate of change was negative. This is such an important observation, we’ll put it in an official remark.

Remark 3.3.15.

The rate of change between two data points is related to the steepness of the line segment that connects those points.
  1. The steeper the line, the larger the rate of change, and vice versa.
  2. If one rate of change between two data points equals another rate of change between two different data points, then the corresponding line segments will have the same steepness.
  3. We always measure rate of change from left to right. When a line segment between two data points slants up from left to right, the rate of change between those points will be positive. When a line segment between two data points slants down from left to right, the rate of change between those points will be negative.
In the solution to Checkpoint 9, the key observation was that the rate of change from one row to the next was constant: \(3\) units of increase in \(y\) for every \(1\) unit of increase in \(x\text{.}\) Graphing this pattern in Figure 16, we see that every line segment here has the same steepness, so the whole picture is a straight line.
Figure 3.3.16.
Whenever the rate of change is constant no matter which two \((x,y)\)-pairs (or data pairs) are chosen from a data set, then you can conclude the graph will be a straight line even without making the graph. We call this kind of relationship a linear relationship. We’ll study linear relationships in more detail throughout this chapter. Right now in this section, we feel it is important to simply identify if data has a linear relationship or not.

Checkpoint 3.3.17.

Is there a linear relationship in the table?
\(-8\) \(3.1\)
\(-5\) \(2.1\)
\(-2\) \(1.1\)
\(1\) \(0.1\)
  • The relationship is linear
  • The relationship is not linear
From one \(x\)-value to the next, the change is always \(3\text{.}\) From one \(y\)-value to the next, the change is always \(-1\text{.}\) So the rate of change is always \(\frac{-1}{3}=-\frac{1}{3}\text{.}\) Since the rate of change is constant, the data have a linear relationship.

Checkpoint 3.3.18.

Is there a linear relationship in the table?
\(11\) \(208\)
\(13\) \(210\)
\(15\) \(214\)
\(17\) \(220\)
  • The relationship is linear
  • The relationship is not linear
The rate of change between the first two points is \(\frac{210-208}{13-11}=1\text{.}\) The rate of change between the last two points is \(\frac{220-214}{17-15}=3\text{.}\) This is one way to demonstrate that the rate of change differs for different pairs of points, so this pattern is not linear.

Checkpoint 3.3.19.

Is there a linear relationship in the table?
\(3\) \(-2\)
\(6\) \(-8\)
\(8\) \(-12\)
\(12\) \(-20\)
  • The relationship is linear
  • The relationship is not linear
The changes in \(x\) from one row to the next are \(+3\text{,}\)\(+2\text{,}\) and \(+8\text{.}\) That’s not a consistent pattern, but we need to consider rates of change between points. The rate of change between the first two points is \(\frac{-8-(-2)}{6-3}=-2\text{.}\) The rate of change between the next two points is \(\frac{-12-(-8)}{8-6}=-2\text{.}\) And the rate of change between the last two points is \(\frac{-20-(-12)}{12-8}=-2\text{.}\) So the rate of change, \(-2\text{,}\) is constant regardless of which pairs we choose. That means these pairs describe a linear relationship.
Let’s return to the data that we opened the section with, in Figure 2. Is that data linear? Well, yes and no. To be completely honest, it’s not linear. It’s easy to pick out pairs of points where the steepness changes from one pair to the next. In other words, the points do not line up into a single straight line.
However if we step back, there does seem to be an overall upward trend that is captured by the line overlaying the data in Figure 20. Points on the overlaid line do have a linear pattern. Let’s estimate the rate of change between some pair of points on this line. We are free to use any pair of points to do this, so let’s make this calculation easier by choosing points we can clearly identify on the graph: \((2005,27.7)\) and \((2018,31)\text{.}\)
a scatter plot about share of all income held by the top 1% in the US
Figure 3.3.20. Share of all income held by the top 1%, United States, 2000–2021
The rate of change between those two points is
\begin{equation*} \frac{(31-27.7)\,\text{pct. points}}{(2018-2005)\,\text{years}}=\frac{3.4\,\text{pct. points}}{13\,\text{years}}\approx0.2615\,\frac{\text{pct. points}}{\text{year}} \end{equation*}
So we might say that on average, the rate of change expressed by this data is \(0.2615\) percentage points per year.

Reading Questions 3.3.4 Reading Questions


Given a table of data with \(x\)- and \(y\)-values, explain how to calculate the rate of change from one row to the next.


If there is a table of data with \(x\)- and \(y\)-values, and the plot of all that data makes a straight line, what is true about the rates of change as you move from row to row in the table?


What does it mean for a rate of change to be positive versus negative?

Exercises 3.3.5 Exercises

Skills Practice

Finding Patterns.
Write an equation in the form \(y=\ldots\) suggested by the pattern in the table.
\(-2\) \({-8}\)
\(-1\) \({-4}\)
\(0\) \({0}\)
\(1\) \({4}\)
\(2\) \({8}\)
\(3\) \({15}\)
\(4\) \({20}\)
\(5\) \({25}\)
\(6\) \({30}\)
\(7\) \({35}\)
\(7\) \({11}\)
\(8\) \({12}\)
\(9\) \({13}\)
\(10\) \({14}\)
\(11\) \({15}\)
\(8\) \({16}\)
\(9\) \({17}\)
\(10\) \({18}\)
\(11\) \({19}\)
\(12\) \({20}\)
\(0\) \({-3}\)
\(8\) \({5}\)
\(18\) \({15}\)
\(6\) \({3}\)
\(17\) \({14}\)
\(2\) \({9}\)
\(0\) \({7}\)
\(8\) \({15}\)
\(1\) \({8}\)
\(17\) \({24}\)
\(4\) \({2}\)
\(16\) \({4}\)
\(25\) \({5}\)
\(9\) \({3}\)
\(1\) \({1}\)
\(-3\) \({3}\)
\(-4\) \({4}\)
\(-2\) \({2}\)
\(3\) \({3}\)
\(5\) \({5}\)
\(2\) \({4}\)
\(5\) \({25}\)
\(6\) \({36}\)
\(8\) \({64}\)
\(9\) \({81}\)
\(0.1\) \({0.01}\)
\(0.6\) \({0.36}\)
\(0.7\) \({0.49}\)
\(0.8\) \({0.64}\)
\(0.9\) \({0.81}\)
\(69\) \({{\frac{1}{69}}}\)
\(29\) \({{\frac{1}{29}}}\)
\(43\) \({{\frac{1}{43}}}\)
\(63\) \({{\frac{1}{63}}}\)
\(81\) \({{\frac{1}{81}}}\)
\(1\) \({2}\)
\(2\) \({4}\)
\(3\) \({8}\)
\(4\) \({16}\)
\(5\) \({32}\)
Rate of Change.
Find the rate of change between the two given points.
\({\left(8,1\right)}\) and \({\left(-5,-8\right)}\)
\({\left(-9,-4\right)}\) and \({\left(4,6\right)}\)
\({\left(-7.2,7.9\right)}\) and \({\left(-8,0.6\right)}\)
\({\left(-5,1.1\right)}\) and \({\left(0.3,-5.1\right)}\)
\({\left({\frac{1}{2}},-1\right)}\) and \({\left({\frac{8}{9}},{\frac{9}{8}}\right)}\)
\({\left(-{\frac{1}{7}},{\frac{5}{6}}\right)}\) and \({\left(-1,4\right)}\)
\(2\) \(2\)
\(3\) \(3\)
\(5\) \(4\)
\(7\) \(5\)
\(8\) \(8\)
From \(x=5\) to \(x=8\text{.}\)
\(1\) \(4\)
\(4\) \(5\)
\(5\) \(6\)
\(7\) \(7\)
\(8\) \(8\)
From \(x=5\) to \(x=7\text{.}\)
\(10\) \(133\)
\(21\) \(149\)
\(47\) \(286\)
\(61\) \(916\)
\(73\) \(944\)
From \(x=21\) to \(x=61\text{.}\)
\(38\) \(34\)
\(52\) \(221\)
\(58\) \(539\)
\(59\) \(602\)
\(92\) \(783\)
From \(x=58\) to \(x=92\text{.}\)
Linear Relationships.
Does the table show that \(x\) and \(y\) have a linear relationship?
\(0\) \({12}\)
\(1\) \({19}\)
\(2\) \({26}\)
\(3\) \({33}\)
\(4\) \({40}\)
\(5\) \({47}\)
\(0\) \({72}\)
\(1\) \({80}\)
\(2\) \({88}\)
\(3\) \({96}\)
\(4\) \({104}\)
\(5\) \({112}\)
\(8\) \({51}\)
\(9\) \({49}\)
\(10\) \({47}\)
\(11\) \({45}\)
\(12\) \({43}\)
\(13\) \({41}\)
\(2\) \({82}\)
\(3\) \({73}\)
\(4\) \({64}\)
\(5\) \({55}\)
\(6\) \({46}\)
\(7\) \({37}\)
\(6\) \({25}\)
\(7\) \({27}\)
\(8\) \({29}\)
\(9\) \({31}\)
\(10\) \({33}\)
\(11\) \({35}\)
\(0\) \({6}\)
\(1\) \({8}\)
\(2\) \({10}\)
\(3\) \({12}\)
\(4\) \({14}\)
\(5\) \({16}\)
\(1\) \({20}\)
\(2\) \({27}\)
\(3\) \({46}\)
\(4\) \({83}\)
\(5\) \({144}\)
\(6\) \({235}\)
\(2\) \({20}\)
\(3\) \({39}\)
\(4\) \({76}\)
\(5\) \({137}\)
\(6\) \({228}\)
\(7\) \({355}\)
\(-5\) \({43.91}\)
\(-4\) \({44.63}\)
\(-3\) \({45.35}\)
\(-2\) \({46.07}\)
\(-1\) \({46.79}\)
\(0\) \({47.51}\)
\(4\) \({100.51}\)
\(5\) \({102.34}\)
\(6\) \({104.17}\)
\(7\) \({106}\)
\(8\) \({107.83}\)
\(9\) \({109.66}\)
\(0\) \({56}\)
\(1\) \({64}\)
\(2\) \({72}\)
\(5\) \({96}\)
\(8\) \({120}\)
\(17\) \({192}\)
\(1\) \({30}\)
\(7\) \({84}\)
\(8\) \({93}\)
\(10\) \({111}\)
\(12\) \({129}\)
\(15\) \({156}\)


PTX:ERROR: WeBWorK problem webwork-portland-population with seed 1111 does not return valid XML It may not be PTX compatible Use -a to halt with returned content
This table gives the tide level in Lincoln City, Oregon, over one particular 24-hour period, measured in meters above average sea level.
Tide Level Hour Tide Level Hour Tide Level
\(0\) \(5.87\) \(8\) \(2.33\) \(16\) \(1.37\)
\(1\) \(5.54\) \(9\) \(3.65\) \(17\) \(0.18\)
\(2\) \(4.66\) \(10\) \(4.96\) \(18\) \(-0.26\)
\(3\) \(3.45\) \(11\) \(5.92\) \(19\) \(0.19\)
\(4\) \(2.23\) \(12\) \(6.27\) \(20\) \(1.41\)
\(5\) \(1.34\) \(13\) \(5.83\) \(21\) \(3.07\)
\(6\) \(1.02\) \(14\) \(4.64\) \(22\) \(4.74\)
\(7\) \(1.37\) \(15\) \(3.00\) \(23\) \(5.95\)
Find the rate of change in the tide level between hours 0 and 3.
And what was the rate of change between hours 8 and 12?
List the longest intervals where there is a negative rate of change without any times in between that have positive rates of change.
Over which hour-long interval was the rate of change highest?
What was that rate of change?
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