5.4. Filtering the Data

Let’s start by only looking at films that cost over a million dollars to make.

Create a variable called budget_df that contains all columns for the movies whose budget was over a million dollars.

budget_df = []

With this more manageable list of 7000+ movies, I’d like to have a way to look up the budget of a particular movie.

Create a Series object called budget_lookup such that you are able to use a call to budget_lookup['Dead Presidents'] to find the budget of that movie.

budget_lookup = []
budget_lookup['Dead Presidents']

I have figured out that the first (alphabetically) movie whose title starts with an “A” is “A Bag of Hammers” and the last movie that starts with a “B” is “Byzantium”.

A Bag of Hammers    2000000
dtype: int64
Byzantium    10000000
dtype: int64

Use that knowledge to create a series that contains budget informations for all the movies that start with an “A” or a “B”. Hint: No need to use startswith like I did above, just use the movie titles to do a slice.

budget_lookup_as_and_bs = []

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    During this lesson I was primarily in my...
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  • 2. Learning Zone
  • 3. Panic Zone
    Completing this lesson took...
  • 1. Very little time
  • 2. A reasonable amount of time
  • 3. More time than is reasonable
    Based on my own interests and needs, the things taught in this lesson...
  • 1. Don't seem worth learning
  • 2. May be worth learning
  • 3. Are definitely worth learning
    For me to master the things taught in this lesson feels...
  • 1. Definitely within reach
  • 2. Within reach if I try my hardest
  • 3. Out of reach no matter how hard I try
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