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4.5. String Operators - ConcatenationΒΆ
Strings can be appended to each other which creates a new string using the +
operator . This is also called concatenation.
Note that spaces are not added between strings automatically. If you want a space between two strings then add one.
You can even add other items to a string using the +
operator. The other item will be converted to a string using the toString
operator if it is an object and then appended to the current string. All objects inherit a toString
method that returns a string representation of the object.
What do you think the following will print?
If you are appending a number to a string it will be converted to a string first before being appended.
Since the same operators are processed from left to right this will print 1243
. First 4 will be turned into a string and appended to 12 and then 3 will be turned into a string and appended to 124. If you want the addition to take place before the numbers are turned into a string what should you do? Try to modify the code above so that it adds 4 + 3 before appending the value to the string.