1.11. What could possibly go wrong?

As we saw in our earliest conversations with Python, we must communicate very precisely when we write Python code. The smallest deviation or mistake will cause Python to give up looking at your program.

Beginning programmers often take the fact that Python leaves no room for errors as evidence that Python is mean, hateful, and cruel. While Python seems to like everyone else, Python knows them personally and holds a grudge against them. Because of this grudge, Python takes our perfectly written programs and rejects them as “unfit” just to torment us.

>>> primt 'Hello world!'
File "<stdin>", line 1
  primt 'Hello world!'
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> primt ('Hello world')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'primt' is not defined

>>> I hate you Python!
File "<stdin>", line 1
  I hate you Python!
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> if you come out of there, I would teach you a lesson
File "<stdin>", line 1
  if you come out of there, I would teach you a lesson
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

There is little to be gained by arguing with Python. It is just a tool. It has no emotions and it is happy and ready to serve you whenever you need it. Its error messages sound harsh, but they are just Python’s call for help. It has looked at what you typed, and it simply cannot understand what you have entered.

Python is much more like a dog, loving you unconditionally, having a few key words that it understands, looking you with a sweet look on its face (>>>), and waiting for you to say something it understands. When Python says “SyntaxError: invalid syntax”, it is simply wagging its tail and saying, “You seemed to say something but I just don’t understand what you meant, but please keep talking to me (>>>).”

As your programs become increasingly sophisticated, you will encounter three general types of errors:

Again in all three types of errors, Python is merely trying its hardest to do exactly what you have asked.

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