Introduction to AND, UPDATE, and JOIN

First, let’s spend 8 minutes to learn about AND, UPDATE, and JOIN in SQL!

AND Keyword

Here are Alice’s bookkeeping entries in the table bookkeeping:

Sometimes we want to select data with multiple constraints, and that can be done using AND.

note: When you run the code, there will be several execution results. Please only refer to the last execution result that displays the entries.

UPDATE Keyword

Here is a similar table for bookkeeping:

Sometimes we want to update certain records.

note: When you run the code, there will be several execution results. Please only refer to the last execution result that displays the table.

JOIN Keyword

Consider as a publishing company, we have two tables: authors and books:

Sometimes we want to merge the information from different tables.

note: When you run the code, there will be several execution results. Please only refer to the display of the entries.

What to do next

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