Parsons Practice Problems

Please answer the following problems to the best of your ability without any outside help. You can stop working on a problem after you worked on it for about five minutes without solving it.


Create a class Song with an __init__ method that takes a title as a string and len as a number and initializes these attributes in the current object. Then define the __str__ method to return the title, len. For example, print(s) when s = Song('Respect',150) would print “Respect, 150”.

Create a class Cat with an __init__ method that takes name as a string and age as a number and initializes these attributes in the current object. Next create the __str__ method that returns “name: name age: age”. For example if c = Cat("Fluffy", 3) then print(c) should print "name: Fluffy age: 3". Then define the make_sound method to return "Meow".

Create a class Account with an __init__ method that takes id and balance as numbers. Then create a __str__ method that returns “id, balance”. Next create a deposit method takes amount as a number and adds that to the balance. For example, if a = Account(32, 100) and a.deposit(50) is executed, print(a) should print “32, 150”.

Create a class FortuneTeller with an __init__ method that takes a list of fortunes as strings and saves that as an attribute. Then create a tell_fortune method that returns one of the fortunes in the list at random.

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