9. Predictive AnalyticsΒΆ
- 9.1. Introduction
- 9.2. Predicting Bike Rentals
- 9.3. Exploring Bike Rental Data with SQL
- 9.4. Getting Started with the Bike Data
- 9.5. Filtering
- 9.6. Sorting
- 9.7. Aggregation or Group By
- 9.8. Joining
- 9.9. Getting SQL Data into a DataFrame
- 9.10. Mapping Bike Stations Using Colab
- 9.11. Visualizing Bike Share Data as a Time Series
- 9.12. Predicting Pizza Prices - Linear Regression
- 9.13. Improving our Pizza Price Predictions
- 9.14. Predicting Daily Bike Rentals
- 9.15. Glossary
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