23.2. Map¶
You previously were introduced to accumulating a list by transforming each of the elements. Here we revisit that pattern.
The following function produces a new list with each item in the original list doubled. It is an example of a mapping, from the original list to a new list of the same length, where each element is doubled.
The doubleStuff function is an example of the accumulator pattern, in particular the mapping pattern. On line 3,
is initialized. On line 5, the doubled value for the current item is produced and on line 6 it is appended to
the list we’re accumulating. Line 7 executes after we’ve processed all the items in the original list: it returns the
. Once again, codelens helps us to see the actual references and objects as they are passed and returned.
This pattern of computation is so common that python offers a more general way to do mappings, the map
function, that
makes it more clear what the overall structure of the computation is. map
takes two arguments, a function and a
sequence. The function is the mapper that transforms items. It is automatically applied to each item in the sequence. You
don’t have to initialize an accumulator or iterate with a for loop at all.
Technically, in a proper Python 3 interpreter, the map
function produces an “iterator”, which is like a list but
produces the items as they are needed. Most places in Python where you can use a list (e.g., in a for loop) you can
use an “iterator” as if it was actually a list. So you probably won’t ever notice the difference. If you ever really
need a list, you can explicitly turn the output of map into a list: list(map(...))
. In the runestone environment, map
actually returns a real list, but to make this code compatible with a full python environment, we always convert it to a list.
As we did when passing a function as a parameter to the sorted
function, we can specify a function to pass to map
either by referring to a function by name, or by providing a lambda expression.
Of course, once we get used to using the map
function, it’s no longer necessary to define functions like
and quadrupleStuff
Check Your Understanding
1. Using map, create a list assigned to the variable greeting_doubled
that doubles each element in the list lst
2. Below, we have provided a list of strings called abbrevs
. Use map to produce a new list called abbrevs_upper
that contains all the same strings in upper case.