Lesson Plan 2 - Biases in AI¶
In this lesson, students will be introduced to AI bias and some ways to reduce or eliminate biases in their programs. Students will also use and modify an Alexa skill built in MIT App Inventor. You should review the lesson plan and slides as well as try completing the student lesson yourself. After reviewing the student lesson and teacher materials, answer the reflection questions at the bottom of this page.
- Access to computer, laptop, or Chromebook with an Internet connection
- Access to the Hour of AI Teacher Dashboard
- Access to the Hour of AI Lesson Plans
Estimated Length: 45 minutes
Complete the Tutorial¶
In this lesson, your students build out the Good Morning, Space Alexa Skill. Go to the Hour of AI login page. Log in and try building the skill, but also focus on familiarizing yourself with the MIT App Inventor interface. You may use this text-version of the tutorial or following along with the video tutorial below.
Lesson Plan¶
Review the lesson plan.
Review the slides.
Professional Development Reflection¶
After reviewing the contents of this page, please answer the following reflection questions:
- Yes
- That's fantastic - great work!
- Tried, but was not successful
- Good effort - please don't hesitate to reach out to us for help or attend office hours with a PD Facilitator
- Did not attempt
- We hope that you'll consider trying to build the skill yourself.
Q-2: Were you able to successfully build the skill in this lesson?
I am confident I can teach this lesson to my students.
- 1. Strongly agree
- 2. Agree
- 3. Disagree
- 4. Strongly Disagree
Q-4: What additional support and/or materials would you need to implement this lesson?
Q-5: In 1-2 sentences, explain how the instructional strategies used in this lesson support the CS learning.