Smart double quotes: “Life is about making an impact, not making an income.”
Smart single quotes: ‘Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.’
Regular apostrophes: My siblings’ mother’s daughter isn’t my daughter’s siblings’ mother.
Emphasis: very important
Alert: do not do it
Braces: {text that looks like a set}
Some pre-formatted text with an indented line and an out-dented line This should not be altered *a problem* And this [$NDASH]* should not be an en-dash
Here is some inline
code with special characters & < > " ' # $ % ^ _ { } ~ \ * [ ]
, and here is somesingle-line display code with special characters & < > " ' # $ % ^ _ { } ~ \ * [ ]
and here is some
multi-line display code with special characters & < > " ' # $ % ^ _ { } ~ \ * [ ]
Some raw characters, XML/HTML: & < > “ ‘
Some raw characters, TeX: # $ % ^ & _ { } ~ \
Some raw characters, PGML: \ * # { } [ ]
Some characters that need special handling for PGML conversion to HTML or TeX:
A non breaking space (invisble where a hyphen should be)
An ndash–right here.
An mdash—right here.
Some constructions in “normal” text, which need to be manipulated, lest they get interpreted as PGML markup:
>>This should not be a centered line <<
>>Nor a right-justified line, either
We should not get _a phrase in italics_ in the midst of this sentence.
Brackets, unpaired; ] with content between [
Brackets, paired, in PGML constructions; [$NDASH]*, [___]{$answer}
### This should not be a level 3 heading
=== Not a horizontal rule from three equal signs
== Not a horizontal rule from two equal signs
===== Not a horizontal rule from five equal signs
--- Not a horizontal rule from three hyphens
-- Not a horizontal rule from two hyphens
----- Not a horizontal rule from five hyphens
+ Not an unordered list item
- Not an unordered list item