Search.setIndex({"docnames": ["Advanced/closures", "Advanced/toctree", "ObjectOriented/Exercises", "ObjectOriented/fraction.js", "ObjectOriented/", "ObjectOriented/fraction2.js", "ObjectOriented/inheritance", "ObjectOriented/javascript_classes", "ObjectOriented/toctree", "TheBasics/Exercises", "TheBasics/JS4Python", "TheBasics/collections", "TheBasics/conditionals", "TheBasics/datatypes", "TheBasics/loops", "TheBasics/pretest", "TheBasics/toctree", "Web/Exercises", "Web/dom_manipulation", "Web/javascript_web", "Web/toctree", "colophon", "", "index", "jsquiz1", "preface"], "filenames": ["Advanced/closures.rst", "Advanced/toctree.rst", "ObjectOriented/Exercises.rst", "ObjectOriented/fraction.js", "ObjectOriented/", "ObjectOriented/fraction2.js", "ObjectOriented/inheritance.rst", "ObjectOriented/javascript_classes.rst", "ObjectOriented/toctree.rst", "TheBasics/Exercises.rst", "TheBasics/JS4Python.rst", "TheBasics/collections.rst", "TheBasics/conditionals.rst", "TheBasics/datatypes.rst", "TheBasics/loops.rst", "TheBasics/pretest.rst", "TheBasics/toctree.rst", "Web/Exercises.rst", "Web/dom_manipulation.rst", "Web/javascript_web.rst", "Web/toctree.rst", "colophon.rst", "", "index.rst", "jsquiz1.rst", "preface.rst"], "titles": ["4.1. More about Functions: Closures and Scopes", "4. Part III: Advanced Topics", "3.3. Exercises", "<no title>", "<no title>", "<no title>", "3.2. Inheritance", "3.1. Defining Classes in Javascript", "3. Part II: Object Oriented Programming", "2.8. Exercises", "2.2. Introduction", "2.7. Collections", "2.4. Conditionals", "2.6. JavaScript Data Types", "2.5. Loops and Iteration", "2.1. JavaScript PreTest", "2. Part I: The Basics", "5.3. Exercises", "5.2. Accessing and Modifying the DOM", "5.1. The Document Object Model", "5. Part III: Web Programming", "Colophon", "<no title>", "JavaScript for Python Programmers", "JavaScript Quiz 1", "1. 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"why-learn-another-programming-language"]], "Lets Look at a JavaScript Program": [[10, "lets-look-at-a-javascript-program"]], "Advanced Topic": [[10, null], [11, null]], "Boolean Operators": [[10, "boolean-operators"]], "Collections": [[11, "collections"]], "Lists/Arrays": [[11, "lists-arrays"]], "listoperations": [[11, "id3"]], "listoperations1": [[11, "id4"]], "Checking for membership": [[11, "checking-for-membership"]], "Dictionary/Object": [[11, "dictionary-object"]], "Conditionals": [[12, "conditionals"]], "Simple if": [[12, "simple-if"]], "if else": [[12, "if-else"]], "elif": [[12, "elif"]], "switch": [[12, "switch"]], "JavaScript Data Types": [[13, "javascript-data-types"]], "Declaring Variables": [[13, "declaring-variables"]], "Simple Input": [[13, "simple-input"]], "Type Conversion": [[13, "type-conversion"]], "Boolean": [[13, "boolean"]], "Null and Undefined": [[13, "null-and-undefined"]], "Strings": [[13, "strings"]], "Multiline Strings and Formatted Strings": [[13, "multiline-strings-and-formatted-strings"]], "Check Your Understanding": [[13, "check-your-understanding"]], "Loops and Iteration": [[14, "loops-and-iteration"]], "Definite Loop": [[14, "definite-loop"]], "Indefinite Loops": [[14, "indefinite-loops"]], "JavaScript PreTest": [[15, "javascript-pretest"]], "Part I: The Basics": [[16, "part-i-the-basics"]], "JavaScript Basics": [[16, null]], "Accessing and Modifying the DOM": [[18, "accessing-and-modifying-the-dom"]], "Searching for nodes in the tree": [[18, "searching-for-nodes-in-the-tree"]], "Creating and Grafting new Nodes into the tree": [[18, "creating-and-grafting-new-nodes-into-the-tree"]], "The Document Object Model": [[19, "the-document-object-model"]], "Part III: Web Programming": [[20, "part-iii-web-programming"]], "Web": [[20, null]], "Colophon": [[21, "colophon"]], "Shameless Plug": [[21, "shameless-plug"]], "JavaScript for Python Programmers": [[23, "javascript-for-python-programmers"]], "Back Matter": [[23, "back-matter"]], "Indices and tables": [[23, "indices-and-tables"]], "JavaScript Quiz 1": [[24, "javascript-quiz-1"]], "Preface": [[25, "preface"]]}, "indexentries": {}})